Preparing to Launch Curriculum Management

Before launching your system for the first time, please contact Support ( to complete the following actions. Please provide at least 2 weeks to complete this request:

  • Clear out test proposals: These are any proposals that were created during the testing process that need to be removed. If any proposals should not be deleted, please include a list of those proposals in the email.
  • Activate Single Sign On, if not already complete
  • Activate email notifications: This was likely set up during implementation and only needs activation.
  • Check that the most recent catalog is linked to the curriculum forms: This determines which catalog(s) are being used to populate the change and delete forms.

Launch Email Template

The following email template can be used to contact our support team:


Subject: Preparing to launch Curriculum Management

Dear Support,

We are preparing to launch our SmartCatalog Curriculum Management System on [INSERT DATE]. Please complete the following items before that date:

  • Clear out all test proposals, except the following:
    •  [list all proposals that should not be deleted]
  • Activate SSO on our login page
  • Activate email notifications: We asked for [scheduled or instant, if scheduled, include days]
  • Check that the [INSERT CALENDAR YEAR & CATALOG] is currently linked to our curriculum forms.

Thank you,