Syllabus Management
The Syllabus Management System is set up as a series of folders within the Content Tree. All general users of this system will be accessing the platform via the Syllabus Management Dashboard. These series of folders are for Administrator access only, to modify forms and review the system when requesting changes.
All Syllabus Folder (Red): Contains all approved syllabi that were converted from proposals that have gone through the workflow approval process.
Forms: This folder contains the base forms that users will access via the dashboard to propose changes to syllabus. Admins have access to edit field titles and add/adjust any primary/additional help that will appear on the forms.
Options List: Any options (drop downs, checkboxes, etc.) that are displayed in forms are listed here. There is no access to edit these items, but you can use this information to request changes from support when needed.
Proposals: This folder contains all proposals in a saved state. They are organized by Draft, In Progress, Removed Proposals. Once a user accesses, populates and saves a form from the dashboard, the proposal is visible within these sorting folders. They can only be viewed via the dashboard and are just represented by title within these folders.
Default image of Syllabus folders within the catalog content tree: