Unified Navigation

Unified Navigation is a landing page that provides a central place to log into and access all of the Curriculum Strategy solutions you use in one place. We’ve streamlined this process so you can now simply log in through one URL and, from this new landing page, click on the solution link in the left hand navigation. These links are based on user permissions - so, for example, an instructor who only has access to Curriculum and Syllabus will not see the Catalog link. This dashboard also allows for all of your Management solutions to require a login prior to viewing for extra security.
Solution Links:

The login to access your Unified Navigation dashboard is always InstitutionDomain.smartcatalogiq.com/Home
This URL brings you directly to the Home landing page where admins can add notes, as well as information for users access the different solutions and is equipped with a direct button to the Help guide as well as a logo to direct you straight to the institution web page. The Login button is located in the upper right hand corner of the Home dashboard.
Before logged in:

Once logged in:

This login will bring you to the login preference your institution utilizes. For example, if you login via an SSO, this login button will bring you to your SSO page and prompt you to login. Please see the Sitecore Login or SSO help pages to assist you in how to login to these different instances.
Once logged in, you will be navigated to the Unified Navigation dashboards to continue with your access.